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The rules define the mapping between the Falco events and the actions to run


    The syntax for the rules files is:

    - action: <string,required>
      description: <string>
      actionner: <string,required>
      continue: <bool>
      ignore_errors: <bool>
        <string>: <string>
          - <string>
          - <string>
          <string>: <string>
          <string>: <string>
    - rule: <string,required>
      description: <string>
          - <string>
          - <string>
        priority: <string>
          - <string>, <string>, <string>
          - <string>, <string>
          - <string>=<string>, <string>=<string>
          - <string>!=<string>, <string>=<string>
      continue: <bool>
      dry_run: <bool>
        - action: <string,required>
        - action: <string,required>
          description: <string>
          actionner: <string,required>
          continue: <bool>
          ignore_errors: <bool>
            <string>: <any>
              - <any>
              - <any>
              <string>: <any>
              <string>: <any>
            target: <string,required>
              <string>: <any>
              <string>: <any>
        - <string>
        - <string>

    The rules files contain 2 types of blocks:

    • action: defines an action that can be reused by different rules
    • rule: defines a rule to match with events and run actions


    For the action block, the settings are:

    • action: (required) name of action to trigger
    • description: description of the action (for user only)
    • actionner: name of the actionner to use
    • continue: if true, no more action are applied after this one (each actionner has its own default value)
    • ignore_errors: if true, ignore the errors and avoid to stop at this action.
    • parameters: key:value map of parameters for the action. value can be a string, an array (slice) or a map
    • output: defines where to store the artifact that might have been created/downloaded by the actionner
      • target: the name of the target used as output
      • parameters: key:value map of parameters for the output. value can be a string, an array (slice) or a map


    For the rule block, the settings are:

    • rule: (required) Name of your rule
    • description: description of the action (for user only)
    • match: the section to define the criterias to match
      • rules: (list) (OR logic) Falco rules to match. If empty, all rules match.
      • priority: Priority to match. If empty, all priorities match. Syntax is like: >=Critical, <Warning, Debug
      • tags: (list) (OR logic) Comma separated lists of Tags to match (AND logic). If empty, all tags match.
      • output_fields: (list) (OR logic) Comma separated lists of key:comparison:value for Output fields to match (AND logic). If emtpy, all output fields match
    • actions: the list of actions to sequentially run, they can refer to an action block or be defined locally
      • action: (required) name of action to trigger, can refer to an action block
      • description: description of the action (for user only)
      • actionner: name of the actionner to use
      • continue: if true, no more action are applied after this one (each actionner has its own default value)
      • ignore_errors: if true, ignore the errors and avoid to stop at this action
      • parameters: key:value map of parameters for the action. value can be a string, an array (slice) or a map
      • output: defines where to store the artifact that might have been created/downloaded by the actionner
        • target: the name of the target used as output
        • parameters: key:value map of parameters for the output. value can be a string, an array (slice) or a map
    • continue: if true, no more rule are compared after the rule has been triggered (default is true)
    • dry_run: if true: the actions are not ran (default: false)
    • notifiers: list of notifiers to enabled for the action, in addition with the defaults


    In the below YAML manifest, we can see two different Talon actions - Terminate Pod and Disable outbound connections.

    1. The Terminate Pod action has a matching actionner to gracefully terminate a running workload with kubernetes:terminate.
    2. The Disable outbound connections action enforces a Kubernetes NetworkPolicy through kubernetes:networkpolicy.

    Finally, the two actions are initiated as instant response actions when the matching Falco rule Unexpected outbound connection destination is triggered.

    - action: Terminate Pod
      description: terminate the pod if it doesn't belong to a statefulset
      actionner: kubernetes:terminate
        ignoreDaemonsets: false
        ignoreStatefulsets: true
    - action: Disable outbound connections
      actionner: kubernetes:networkpolicy
          - ""
          - ""
          - ""
    - rule: Suspicious outbound connection
      description: Block suspicious outbound connections and terminate the pod
          - Unexpected outbound connection destination
        - action: Get last logs
          actionner: kubernetes:log
            tail_lines: 10
            target: aws:s3
              bucket: my-bucket
              prefix: /logs/
        - action: Disable outbound connections
          ignore_errors: true
        - action: Terminate Pod # ref to a re-usable action
            gracePeriods: 2