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Configuration file


    The static configuration of Falco Talon is set with a .yaml file (default: ./config.yaml) or with environment variables.

    SettingEnv varDefaultDescription
    listen_addressLISTEN_ADDRESS0.0.0.0Listten Address
    listen_portLISTEN_PORT2803Listten Port
    rules_filesRULES_FILESn/aFile with rules
    watch_rulesWATCH_RULEStrueReload rules if they change
    print_all_eventsPRINT_ALL_EVENTStruePrint in logs all received events, not only those which matches
    kubeconfigKUBECONFIGn/aKube config file, only if Falco Talon runs outside Kubernetes
    log_formatLOG_FORMATcolorLog Format: text, color, json
    otel.traces_enabledOTEL_TRACES_ENABLEDfalseEnable traces
    otel.metrics_enabledOTEL_METRICS_ENABLEDfalseEnable metrics
    otel.collector_endpointOTEL_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINTlocalhostListen address of the OTEL Collector
    otel.collector_portOTEL_COLLECTOR_PORTlocalhostListen port of the OTEL Collector
    otel.use_insecure_grpcOTEL_USE_INSECURE_GRPCfalseEnable insecure gRPC connection
    otel.timeoutOTEL_TIMEOUT10Timeout in seconds
    deduplication.leader_electionDEDUPLICATION_LEADER_ELECTIONtrueenable the leader election for cluster mode (in k8s only)
    deduplication.time_window_secondsDEDUPLICATION_TIME_WINDOW_SECONDS5Duration in seconds for the deduplication time window
    default_notifiersDEFAULT_NOTIFIERSn/aList of notifiers which are enabled for all rules
    notifiers_xNOTIFIERS_Xn/aList of notifiers with their settings
    aws.role_arnAWS_ROLE_ARNn/aAWS Role ARN to use with AWS actions
    aws.external_idAWS_ROLE_EXTERNAL_IDn/aAWS External ID used to assume roles with AWS actions. This field is ignored if aws.role_arn is not set
    aws.regionAWS_REGIONn/aAWS Region to use, it should be specified along aws.access_key and aws.secret_key
    aws.access_keyAWS_ACCESS_KEYn/aAWS Access Key to use, it should be specified along aws.region and aws.secret_key
    aws.secret_keyAWS_SECRET_KEYn/aAWS Secret Key to use, it should be specified along aws.region and aws.access_key
    minio.endpointMINIO_ENDPOINTn/aMinio endpoint address
    minio.access_keyMINIO_ACCESS_KEYn/aAccess Key to use, it should be specified along minio.secret_key
    minio.secret_keyMINIO_SECRET_KEYn/aSecret Key to use, it should be specified along minio.access_key
    minio.use_sslMINIO_USE_SSLfalseUse SSL


    listen_address: "" # default: ""
    listen_port: "2803" # default: "2803"
      - "./rules.yaml" # default: "./rules.yaml"
    # kubeConfig: "~/.kube/config" # only if Falco Talon is running outside Kubernetes
    log_format: "color" # log format: text, color, json (default: color)
    watch_rules: true # reload if the rules file changes (default: true)
    print_all_events: true # print in logs all received events, not only those which match
    otel: # OTEL
      traces_enabled: true # enable the traces
      metrics_enabled: true # enables the metrics
      collector_endpoint: localhost # listen address of the OTEL Collector
      collector_port: 4317 # listen port of the OTEL Collector
      collector_use_insecure_grpc: false # enable insecure gRPC connection
      timeout: 10 # timeout in seconds
      leader_election: true # enable the leader election for cluster mode (in k8s only)
      time_window_seconds: 5 # duration in seconds for the deduplication time window (default: 5)
    default_notifiers: # these notifiers will be enabled for all rules
      - k8sevents
      role_arn: arn:aws:iam::<account_number>:role/<role_name> # role to assume
      external_id: <external_id> # external id
      region: <region> # if not specified, default region from provider credential chain will be used
      access_key: <access_key> # if not specified, default access_key from provider credential chain will be used
      secret_key: <secret_key> # if not specified, default secret_key from provider credential chain will be used
      endpoint: <endpoint> # endpoint
      access_key: <access_key> # access key
      secret_key: <secret_key> # secret key
      use_ssl: false # use SSL
        webhook_url: "" # Slack webhook
        icon: "" # default: ""
        username: "" # default: "Falco Talon"
        footer: "" # default: ""
        format: long # default: long
        url: "" # address of the webhook endpoint
        host_port: "" # host:port of the SMTP server
        from: "" # from header
        to: "" # to
        user: "" # user
        password: "" # password
        format: "html" # format: html or text

    See here for the settings of the notifers.