1 - Overview

What is Falco Talon?

What is the Falco Talon project?

Falco Talon is a Response Engine for managing threats in Kubernetes clusters. It enhances the solutions proposed by the Falco community with a no-code tailor-made solution. With easy rules, you can react to events from Falco in milliseconds.

Why having created Falco Talon?

Over the years, the Falco community proposed different methods to react to the Falco Events, what we call a response engine. All these methods rely on a 3rd party FaaS (Function as a Service) and come with drawbacks:

  • all actions must be developped by the users to manage:
    • the errors
    • the Falco event format
    • the authentication
    • the K8s SDK complexity
    • the security
    • the upgrades of the deps
  • latency
  • complexity to manage sequential actions
  • intrication between the function and its configuration

This is why we started to develop a custom solution specifically built for Falco: Falco Talon.

  • Tailor made for the Falco events
  • No-code implementation for end-users
  • UX close to Falco with the rules (yaml files with append, override mechanisms)
  • Allow to set up sequential actions to run
  • Structured logs (with a trace id)
  • An official Helm chart for the deployment in K8s

The match for the rule can be based on the:

  • Falco rule name (=)
  • priority (=, >=)
  • tags (=)
  • output fields (=, !=)

What is it good for?:

  • React in real-time to the Falco Events
  • Allow fine granularity to match the events to react to
  • Responding to default rules with specific overrides

What is it not good for?:

  • Complex reaction worflows with conditions between the steps

What is it not yet good for?

See this issue on Github to know more about the upcoming features.

Where should I go next?

Start by learning the Concepts.

2 - Concepts

Understand the concepts of Falco Talon

Why we created Talon

  • Custom-designed for immediate response to Falco events.
  • Implement response actions without coding.
  • User experience aligned with Falco, utilizing YAML for rule customization.
  • Enables configuration of action sequences triggered by Falco rules.
  • Provides structured logging complete with trace identification.
  • Simplified deployment through Helm charts.
  • Actions can be triggered on the below Falco criteria matches:
    • rule name (=)
    • priority (=, >=)
    • tags (=)
    • output fields (=, !=)


Falco Talon can receive the events from Falco or Falcosidekick:

┌──────────┐      ┌───────────────┐      ┌─────────────┐
│  Falco   ├──────► Falcosidekick ├──────► Falco Talon │
└──────────┘      └───────────────┘      └─────────────┘
┌──────────┐      ┌─────────────┐
│  Falco   ├──────► Falco Talon │
└──────────┘      └─────────────┘



Represents a possible threat or suspicious action detected by Falco and is sent to the outputs.

For example:


The rule define the criteria for linking the events with the actions to run.

See here to know more.


Each rule can sequentially run actions, each action refers to an actionner to know what to do.

See here to know more.


It defines what the action will do.

For example:

See here to know more.


It defines what outputs to notify with the result of the action.

See here to know more.


Some actionners allow or require an output section. The output is the where target to store the resulting artifact that might has been created by the actionner. For example, the actionner kubernetes:log just allows to set an output to store the collected logs, if nothing is set, then they are printed in the stdout inside the log line; the kubernetes:download on its side requires an output to store the downloaded file from the pod.

See here to know more.


The context is composed of elements from the original Falco event, from Falco Talon and other sources, that can be used to dynamically configure the actions. Some actionners allow also to specify extra sources of information.

See here to know more.


Falco Talon is able to de-duplicate the received events from Falco. It may happen Falco triggers the same rule multiple times for the same origin action (eg: change of thread.id) and Falco Talon can de-duplicate these events to avoid to run several times the same action.

The de-deduplication function can also work in a multi pods in Kubernetes context, Falco Talon will create a lease to elect a leader that will aggregate all events from the other Falco Talon pods. In case of any issue, a new leader is automatically elected.

See here for the settings.

3 - Configuration

Configuration file


The static configuration of Falco Talon is set with a .yaml file (default: ./config.yaml) or with environment variables.

SettingEnv varDefaultDescription
listen_addressLISTEN_ADDRESS0.0.0.0Listten Address
listen_portLISTEN_PORT2803Listten Port
rules_filesRULES_FILESn/aFile with rules
watch_rulesWATCH_RULEStrueReload rules if they change
print_all_eventsPRINT_ALL_EVENTStruePrint in logs all received events, not only those which matches
kubeconfigKUBECONFIGn/aKube config file, only if Falco Talon runs outside Kubernetes
log_formatLOG_FORMATcolorLog Format: text, color, json
deduplication.leader_electionDEDUPLICATION_LEADER_ELECTIONtrueenable the leader election for cluster mode (in k8s only)
deduplication.time_window_secondsDEDUPLICATION_TIME_WINDOW_SECONDS5Duration in seconds for the deduplication time window
default_notifiersDEFAULT_NOTIFIERSn/aList of notifiers which are enabled for all rules
notifiers_xNOTIFIERS_Xn/aList of notifiers with their settings
aws.role_arnAWS_ROLE_ARNn/aAWS Role ARN to use with AWS actions
aws.external_idAWS_ROLE_EXTERNAL_IDn/aAWS External ID used to assume roles with AWS actions. This field is ignored if aws.role_arn is not set
aws.regionAWS_REGIONn/aAWS Region to use, it should be specified along aws.access_key and aws.secret_key
aws.access_keyAWS_ACCESS_KEYn/aAWS Access Key to use, it should be specified along aws.region and aws.secret_key
aws.secret_keyAWS_SECRET_KEYn/aAWS Secret Key to use, it should be specified along aws.region and aws.access_key
minio.endpointMINIO_ENDPOINTn/aMinio endpoint address
minio.access_keyMINIO_ACCESS_KEYn/aAccess Key to use, it should be specified along minio.secret_key
minio.secret_keyMINIO_SECRET_KEYn/aSecret Key to use, it should be specified along minio.access_key
minio.use_sslMINIO_USE_SSLfalseUse SSL


listen_address: "" # default: ""
listen_port: "2803" # default: "2803"
  - "./rules.yaml" # default: "./rules.yaml"
# kubeConfig: "~/.kube/config" # only if Falco Talon is running outside Kubernetes
log_format: "color" # log Format: text, color, json (default: color)
watch_rules: true # reload if the rules file changes (default: true)
print_all_events: true # print in logs all received events, not only those which match

  leader_election: true # enable the leader election for cluster mode (in k8s only)
  time_window_seconds: 5 # duration in seconds for the deduplication time window (default: 5)

default_notifiers: # these notifiers will be enabled for all rules
  - k8sevents

  role_arn: arn:aws:iam::<account_number>:role/<role_name> # role to assume
  external_id: <external_id> # external id
  region: <region> # if not specified, default region from provider credential chain will be used
  access_key: <access_key> # if not specified, default access_key from provider credential chain will be used
  secret_key: <secret_key> # if not specified, default secret_key from provider credential chain will be used

  endpoint: <endpoint> # endpoint
  access_key: <access_key> # access key
  secret_key: <secret_key> # secret key
  use_ssl: false # use SSL

    webhook_url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXX" # Slack webhook
    icon: "" # default: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Circaetus_gallicus_claw.jpg"
    username: "" # default: "Falco Talon"
    footer: "" # default: "https://github.com/falco-talon/falco-talon"
    format: long # default: long
    url: "" # address of the webhook endpoint
    host_port: "" # host:port of the SMTP server
    from: "" # from header
    to: "" # to
    user: "" # user
    password: "" # password
    format: "html" # format: html or text

See here for the settings of the notifers.

4 - Installation and Usage

How to install and use Falco Talon

4.1 - Usage

How to use Falco Talon
$ falco-talon --help

Falco Talon is a Response Engine for managing threats in Kubernetes 
It enhances the solutions proposed by Falco community with a dedicated, 
no-code solution. With easy rules, you can perform actions over compromised pods

  falco-talon [command]

Available Commands:
  check       Check Falco Talon Rules file
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  server      Start Falco Talon
  version     Print version of Falco Talon.

  -c, --config string       Falco Talon Config File (default "/etc/falco-talon/config.yaml")
  -h, --help                help for falco-talon
  -r, --rules stringArray   Falco Talon Rules File (default [/etc/falco-talon/rules.yaml])

Use "falco-talon [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ falco-talon server --help

Start Falco Talon

  falco-talon server [flags]

  -h, --help   help for server

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string       Falco Talon Config File (default "/etc/falco-talon/config.yaml")
  -r, --rules stringArray   Falco Talon Rules File (default [/etc/falco-talon/rules.yaml])
$ falco-talon check --help

Check Falco Talon Rules file

  falco-talon check [flags]

  -h, --help   help for check

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string       Falco Talon Config File (default "/etc/falco-talon/config.yaml")
  -r, --rules stringArray   Falco Talon Rules File (default [/etc/falco-talon/rules.yaml])

4.2 - Connect Falcosidekick to Falco Talon

How to receive the Falco Events from Falcosidekick

Once you have installed Falco Talon with Helm in the falco namespace, you have to connect Falcosidekick by adding the flag --set falcosidekick.config.webhook.address=http://falco-talon:2803

helm install falco falcosecurity/falco --namespace falco \
  --create-namespace \
  --set tty=true \
  --set falcosidekick.enabled=true \
  --set falcosidekick.config.webhook.address=http://falco-talon:2803

4.3 - Installation from the sources

How to install Falco Talon locally from the sources


4.4 - Installation in k8s with Helm

How to install Falco Talon in Kubernetes with Helm


The helm chart is available in this folder deployment/helm. Two main config files are provided:

  • values.yaml allows you to configure the static settings of Falcon Talon and its deployment
  • rules.yaml contains the rules to set

Clone and install

Git clone is used to target and create a copy of the falco-talon repository:

git clone https://github.com/Falco-Talon/falco-talon.git

Once downloaded, change directory to the Helm folder before running the helm install command:

cd falco-talon/deployment/helm/
helm install falco-talon . -n falco --create-namespace

4.5 - Prometheus metrics

Prometheus metrics

Falco Talon exposes a /metrics endpoint to with some metrics in the Prometheus format.

# HELP action_total number of actions
# TYPE action_total counter
action_total{action="Disable outbound connections",actionner="kubernetes:networkpolicy",event="Test logs",namespace="falco",otel_scope_name="github.com/Falco-Talon/falco-talon",otel_scope_version="devel",pod="falco-5b7kc",rule="Suspicious outbound connection",status="failure"} 6
action_total{action="Terminate Pod",actionner="kubernetes:terminate",event="Test logs",namespace="falco",otel_scope_name="github.com/Falco-Talon/falco-talon",otel_scope_version="devel",pod="falco-5b7kc",rule="Suspicious outbound connection",status="failure"} 6
# HELP event_total number of received events
# TYPE event_total counter
event_total{event="Unexpected outbound connection destination",otel_scope_name="github.com/Falco-Talon/falco-talon",otel_scope_version="devel",priority="Critical",source="syscalls"} 2
# HELP match_total number of matched events
# TYPE match_total counter
match_total{event="Unexpected outbound connection destination",otel_scope_name="github.com/Falco-Talon/falco-talon",otel_scope_version="devel",priority="Critical",rule="Suspicious outbound connection",source="syscalls"} 2

5 - Rules

The rules define the mapping between the Falco events and the actions to run


The syntax for the rules files is:

- action: <string,mandatory>
  description: <string>
  actionner: <string,mandatory>
  continue: <bool>
  ignore_errors: <bool>
    <string>: <string>
      - <string>
      - <string>
      <string>: <string>
      <string>: <string>

- rule: <string,mandatory>
  description: <string>
      - <string>
      - <string>
    priority: <string>
      - <string>, <string>, <string>
      - <string>, <string>
      - <string>=<string>, <string>=<string>
      - <string>!=<string>, <string>=<string>
  continue: <bool>
  dry_run: <bool>
    - action: <string,mandatory>
    - action: <string,mandatory>
      description: <string>
      actionner: <string,mandatory>
      continue: <bool>
      ignore_errors: <bool>
        <string>: <interface{}>
          - <interface{}>
          - <interface{}>
          <string>: <interface{}>
          <string>: <interface{}>
        target: <string,mandatory>
          <string>: <interface{}>
          <string>: <interface{}>
    - <string>
    - <string>

The rules files contain 2 types of blocks:

  • action: defines an action that can be reused by different rules
  • rule: defines a rule to match with events and run actions


For the action block, the settings are:

  • action: (mandatory) name of action to trigger
  • description: description of the action (for user only)
  • actionner: name of the actionner to use
  • continue: if true, no more action are applied after this one (each actionner has its own default value).
  • ignore_errors: if true, ignore the errors and avoid to stop at this action.
  • parameters: key:value map of parameters for the action. value can be a string, an array (slice) or a map.
  • output: defines the output to use to store the result artifact
    • target: the name of the kind of output to use
    • parameters: key:value map of parameters for the output. value can be a string, an array (slice) or a map.


For the rule block, the settings are:

  • rule: (mandatory) Name of your rule
  • description: description of the action (for user only)
  • match: the section to define the criterias to match
    • rules: (list) (OR logic) Falco rules to match. If empty, all rules match.
    • priority: Priority to match. If empty, all priorities match. Syntax is like: >=Critical, <Warning, Debug.
    • tags: (list) (OR logic) Comma separated lists of Tags to match (AND logic). If empty, all tags match.
    • output_fields: (list) (OR logic) Comma separated lists of key:comparison:value for Output fields to match (AND logic). If emtpy, all output fields match.
  • actions: the list of actions to sequentially run, they can refer to an action block or defined locally
    • action: (mandatory) name of action to trigger, can refer to an action block
    • description: description of the action (for user only)
    • actionner: name of the actionner to use
    • continue: if true, no more action are applied after this one (each actionner has its own default value).
    • ignore_errors: if true, ignore the errors and avoid to stop at this action.
    • parameters: key:value map of parameters for the action. value can be a string, an array (slice) or a map.
  • continue: if true, no more rule are compared after the rule has been triggered (default is true).
  • dry_run: if true: the actions are not ran (default: false).
  • notifiers: list of notifiers to enabled for the action, in addition with the defaults.


In the below YAML manifest, we can see two different Talon actions - Terminate Pod and Disable outbound connections.

  1. The Terminate Pod action has a matching actionner to gracefully terminate a running workload with kubernetes:terminate.
  2. The Disable outbound connections action enforces a Kubernetes NetworkPolicy through kubernetes:networkpolicy.

Finally, the two actions are initiated as instant response actions when the matching Falco rule Unexpected outbound connection destination is triggered.

- action: Terminate Pod
  description: terminate the pod if it doesn't belong to a statefulset
  actionner: kubernetes:terminate
    ignoreDaemonsets: false
    ignoreStatefulsets: true

- action: Disable outbound connections
  actionner: kubernetes:networkpolicy
      - ""
      - ""
      - ""

- rule: Suspicious outbound connection
  description: Block suspicious outbound connections and terminate the pod
      - Unexpected outbound connection destination
    - action: Get last logs
      actionner: kubernetes:log
        tail_lines: 10
        target: aws:s3
          bucket: my-bucket
          prefix: /logs/
    - action: Disable outbound connections
      ignore_errors: true
    - action: Terminate Pod # ref to a re-usable action
        gracePeriods: 2

6 - Actionners

Actionners are the built-it actions to react to the events

The Actionners define the actions to apply when an event matches a rule, they are named with pattern category:action.

The category allows to group actions and avoid multiple initializations (eg, multi Kubernetes API client, multi AWS clients, …).

Each actionner is configured with parameters, a map of values passed to the action. The values can be a string, a list (array) or a map (map[string]string).


- action: Terminate the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:terminate
    grace_period_seconds: 5
    ignore_daemonsets: true
    ignore_statefulsets: true
    min_healthy_replicas: 33%

- action: Label the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:label
      suspicious: true

- action: Get logs
  actionner: kubernetes:log
    target: minio:s3
      bucket: my-bucket
      prefix: /logs/

- action: Run Lambda
  actionner: aws:lambda
    aws_lambda_name: my-function
    aws_lambda_alias_or_version: $LATEST
    - aws
    - k8snode


Some actionners allow to specify which sources to use to inject elements in the context field of the event payload, before triggering the action. The context of Falco Talon (the rule name, the action name, the action parameters, etc) are injected anyway.


Some actionners allow or require to specify a destination for the generated/collected artifacts. See here to know more.



  • aws.instance_profile_arn
  • aws.instance_profile_id
  • aws.region



  • node.hostname
  • node.instancetype
  • node.role
  • node.topology.region
  • node.topology.zone
  • node.spec.providerid

6.1 - List of Actionners

Available actionners

The required fields are the field elements that must be present in your Falco event to allow the actionner to do its work.


The category kubernetes can be initialized with a kubeconfig file when Falco Talon runs outside Kubernetes.


  • Description: Terminate the pod
  • Continue: false
  • Parameters:
    • grace_period_seconds: The duration in seconds before the pod should be deleted. The value zero indicates delete immediately.
    • ignore_daemonsets: If true, the pods which belong to a Daemonset are not terminated.
    • ignore_statefulsets: If true, the pods which belong to a Statefulset are not terminated.
    • min_healthy_replicas: Minimum number of healthy pods to allow the termination, can be an absolute or % value (the value must be a quoted string).
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: false
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Terminate the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:terminate
    grace_period_seconds: 5
    ignore_daemonsets: true
    ignore_statefulsets: true
    min_healthy_replicas: 33%


  • Description: Add, modify or delete the labels of the pod
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • level: level to apply the apply the labels, can be node or pod (default)
    • labels: (required) key:value map of labels to add/modify/delete (empty value means label deletion)
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: false
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Label the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:label
    level: pod
      suspicious: true


  • Description: Create, update a network policy to block all egress traffic for pod
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • allow_cidr: list of CIDR to allow anyway (eg: private subnets)
    • allow_namespaces: list of namespaces to allow anyway
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: false
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Create a network policy
  actionner: kubernetes:networkpolicy
      - ""
      - ""
      - "green-ns"
      - "blue-ns"


  • Description: Exec a command in a pod
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • shell: SHELL used to run the command (default: /bin/sh)
    • command: (required) Command to run
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: true
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Exec a command into the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:exec
    shell: /bin/bash
    command: "cat ${FD_NAME}"


  • Description: Run a script in a pod
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • shell: SHELL used to run the script (default; /bin/sh)
    • script: Script to run (use | to use multilines) (can’t be used at the same time than file)
    • file: Shell script file (can’t be used at the same time than script)
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: true
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Run a script into the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:script
    shell: /bin/bash
    script: |
      ps awxuf
      netstat -lpauten
      top -n 1
      cat ${FD_NAME}      


  • Description: Get logs from a pod
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • tail_lines: The number of lines from the end of the logs to show (default: 20)
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: false
  • Output: optionnal (if no output is specified, the logs are printed in the log line)
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Get logs of the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:log
    tail_lines: 200
    target: aws:s3
      bucket: my-bucket
      prefix: /logs/


  • Description: Download a file from a pod
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • file: (required) The full path of the file to download
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: true
  • Output: required
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Get logs of the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:download
    tail_lines: 200
    target: aws:s3
      bucket: my-bucket
      prefix: /files/


  • Description: Capture the network packets for the pod
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • duration: duration in seconds of the capture (default: 5)
    • snaplen: number of bytes captured for each packet (default: 4096)
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: false
  • Output: required
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Get logs of the pod
  actionner: kubernetes:tcpdump
    duration: 10
    snaplen: 1024
    target: aws:s3
      bucket: my-bucket
      prefix: /captures/


  • Description: Delete the resource
  • Continue: false
  • Parameters: N/A
  • Required fields:
    • ka.target.resource
    • ka.target.name
    • ka.target.namespace
  • Use context: false
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: k8saudit


- action: Delete the suspicious resource
  actionner: kubernetes:delete
    tail_lines: 200


  • Description: Cordon a node
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters: N/A
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: false
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Cordon the node
  actionner: kubernetes:cordon


  • Description: Drain a node
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • grace_period_seconds: The duration in seconds before the pod should be deleted. The value zero indicates delete immediately.
    • ignore_daemonsets: If true, the pods which belong to a Daemonset are not terminated.
    • ignore_statefulsets: If true, the pods which belong to a Statefulset are not terminated.
    • min_healthy_replicas: Minimum number of healthy pods to allow the termination, can be an absolute or % value (the value must be a quoted string).
    • ignore_error: If true, errors during the drain will be ignored, resulting in a successful action call. Used to control subsequent actions flow.
  • Required fields:
    • k8s.pod.name
    • k8s.ns.name
  • Use context: false
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Drain the node
  actionner: kubernetes:drain


The category calico can be initialized with a kubeconfig file when Falco Talon runs outside Kubernetes.


  • Description: Create a Calico Network Policy to block the egress traffic to a specific IP
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • allow_cidr: list of CIDR to allow anyway (eg: private subnets) (default:
    • allow_namespaces: list of namespaces to allow anyway
    • order: order of the network policy
  • Required fields:
    • fd.sip or fd.rip
  • Use context: false
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: syscalls


- action: Create Calico netpol
  actionner: calico:networkpolicy
    order: 20
      - ""
      - ""
      - "green-ns"
      - "blue-ns"


  • Description: Invoke an AWS lambda forwarding the Falco event payload
  • Continue: true
  • Parameters:
    • aws_lambda_name: Lambda name to call. Lambda must reside in the same region as your default credential provider or static region provided in configuration.
    • aws_lambda_alias_or_version: Lambda alias or version to call. (default: $LATEST)
    • aws_lambda_invocation_type: Invocation type for Lambda. Accepted values: RequestResponse, Event, DryRun. (default: RequestResponse)
  • Required AWS access:
    • sts:getCallerIdentity
    • lambda:InvokeFunction
    • lambda:GetFunction
  • Use context: true
  • Output: n/a
  • Source: any


- action: Invoke Lambda function
  actionner: aws:lambda
    aws_lambda_name: sample-function
    aws_lambda_alias_or_version: $LATEST
    aws_lambda_invocation_type: RequestResponse

6.2 - Contexts

Available contexts for the actionners

The context is composed of elements from the original Falco event, from Falco Talon and other sources, these elements can be used to dynamically configure the actions to perform. They are all exposed as environment variables that can be used as tokens to replace in the parameters of the actions.

Except those from Falco, all the informations are also injected into a context section in the original payload (JSON) before the run of the action, it’s useful for the actionners using a third party system (ie: aws:lambda) to have the original Falco event and the context of what Falco Talon does.


    "output": "14:37:27.505989596: Warning Detected ptrace PTRACE_ATTACH attempt (proc_pcmdline=%proc.pcmdline evt_type=%evt.type user=%user.name user_uid=%user.uid user_loginuid=%user.loginuid process=%proc.name proc_exepath=%proc.exepath parent=%proc.pname command=%proc.cmdline terminal=%proc.tty exe_flags=%evt.arg.flags %container.info)",
    "priority": "WARNING",
    "rule": "PTRACE attached to process",
    "time": "2023-12-20T14:37:27.505989596Z",
    "output_fields": {
        "container.info": "container.info",
        "evt.arg.flags": "evt.arg.flags",
        "evt.type": "evt.type",
        "proc.cmdline": "proc.cmdline",
        "proc.exepath": "proc.exepath",
        "proc.name": "proc.name",
        "proc.pcmdline": "proc.pcmdline",
        "proc.pname": "proc.pname",
        "proc.tty": "proc.tty",
        "user.loginuid": "user.loginuid",
        "user.name": "user.name",
        "user.uid": "user.uid"
    "hostname": "host-7.local",
    "source": "syscalls",
    "tags": [
    "context": {
        "falco-talon.rule": "myrule",
        "falco-talon.rule.continue": true,
        "falco-talon.rule.dryrun": false,
        "falco-talon.rule.action": "myaction",
        "falco-talon.rule.actionner": "category:action",
        "falco-talon.rule.action.continue": true,
        "falco-talon.rule.action.ignore_errors": false,
        "falco-talon.rule.action.parameters": "{\"param1\": true, \"param2\": \"value2\", \"param3\": 10}",


The exposed env vars concerning Falco are exported as environment variables:

  • PRIORITY: the priority of the Falco events
  • HOSTNAME: the hostname where the Falco event occured
  • SOURCE: the source for the Falco event
  • RULE: the name of the rule that created the Falco event
  • TAGS: a comma separated list of the tags associated with the Falco event
  • All the OutputFields of the Falco event are exported, in uppercase, with the dots replaced by _ and the brackets [ ] removed, examples:
    • fd.name > FD_NAME
    • proc.args[0] > PROC_ARGS_0

Falco Talon

The exposed env vars concerning Falco are:

  • FALCO-TALON_RULE: the name of the Falco Talon rule that matches
  • FALCO-TALON_RULE_CONTINUE: if the Falco Talon rule allows to continue or not
  • FALCO-TALON_RULE_DRYRUN: if the Falco Talon rule dry runs or not
  • FALCO-TALON_RULE_ACTION: the name of the action triggered by the Falco Rule
  • FALCO-TALON_RULE_ACTION_CONTINUE: if the action triggered by the Falco Rule allows to continue or not
  • FALCO-TALON_RULE_ACTION_IGNORE_ERRORS: if the action triggered by the Falco Rule ignores the errors or not
  • FALCO-TALON_RULE_ACTION_PARAMETERS: a json payload with parameters of the action triggered by the Falco Rule
  • FALCO-TALON_RULE_ACTIONNER: the actionner used by the action triggered by the Falco Rule

Moreover, some actionners allow also to specify extra sources of information.

Other sources (optionnal)


For injecting some informations retrieved from AWS IMDS, use the source: aws (lower case).

In the context section of the payload:

    "context": {
        "aws.intance.profile": "myprofile",
        "aws.instance.profile.id": "myprofileid",
        "aws.region": "us-east-1",

As env vars:



For injecting some informations retrieved from the node, use the source: k8snode.

In the context section of the payload:

    "context": {
        "node.hostname": "hostname",
        "node.instancetype": "instancetype",
        "node.role": "worker",
        "node.topology.zone": "zonea",
        "node.topology.region": "region",
        "node.spec.providedid": "id",

As env vars:


7 - Notifiers

Notifiers are the built-it outputs to forward the result of the Falco Talon actions

The Notifiers define which outputs to notify with the result of the actions.

The configuration file contains the list of notifiers to enable by default and the settings for each notifier.


default_notifiers: # these notifiers will be enabled for all rules
  - k8sevents
  - loki
  - smtp
  - elasticsearch

    host_port: https://logs-prod-eu-west-0.grafana.net
    user: 99999
    api_key: xxxxx
    host_port: localhost:1025
    from: falco@falcosecurity.org
    to: user@test.com, other@test.com
    # user: test
    # password: test
    format: html
    tls: false
    url: http://localhost:9200
    create_index_template: true
    number_of_shards: 1
    number_of_replicas: 1

7.1 - List of Notifiers

Available notifiers

K8s Events

This notifiers creates a k8s event in the target resource namespace.


No configuration is requested.


LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON                                    OBJECT                      MESSAGE
18s         Normal   falco-talon:kubernetes:label:success      pod/cncf-55696bc998-ql5qd   Status: success...
action: kubernetes:label
apiVersion: v1
eventTime: "2024-02-27T13:54:30.008721Z"
firstTimestamp: null
  kind: Pod
  name: cncf-55696bc998-ql5qd
  namespace: default
kind: Event
lastTimestamp: null
message: "Status: success\nMessage: action\nRule: Terminal shell in container\nAction:
  Label Pod as Suspicious\nActionner: kubernetes:label\nEvent: A shell was spawned
  in a container with an attached terminal (evt_type=execve user=root user_uid=0 user_loginuid=-1
  process=sh proc_exepath=/usr/bin/dash parent=runc command=sh -c command -v bash
  >/dev/null && exec bash || exec sh terminal=34817 exe_flags=EXE_WRITABLE container_id=f13c72275fd4
  container_image=docker.io/library/debian container_image_tag=latest container_name=cncf
  k8s_ns=default k8s_pod_name=cncf-55696bc998-ql5qd)\nnamespace: default\npod: cncf-55696bc998-ql5qd\nOutput:
  \nthe pod \"cncf-55696bc998-ql5qd\" in the namespace \"default\" has been labelled\nTraceID:
  creationTimestamp: "2024-02-27T13:54:30Z"
  generateName: falco-talon-
  name: falco-talon-rf2dz
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "32141229"
  uid: a407b246-f2b5-46ba-8146-ebe474302604
reason: falco-talon:kubernetes:label:success
reportingComponent: falcosecurity.org/falco-talon
reportingInstance: falco-talon
  component: falco-talon
type: Normal



webhook_urln/aWebhook URL
iconhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Circaetus_gallicus_claw.jpgAvatar for messages
usernameFalco TalonUsername for messages
footerhttps://github.com/Issif/falco-talonFooter for messages
formatlongFormat for messages (`longshort`)


    webhook_url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXX"
    icon: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Circaetus_gallicus_claw.jpg"
    username: "Falco Talon"
    footer: "https://github.com/Falco-Talon/falco-talon"
    format: long


with format: short:


with format: long:




urln/ahttp://{domain or ip}:{port}
usern/aUser for Grafana Logs
api_keyn/aAPI Key for Grafana Logs
tenantn/aAdd the Tenant header
custom_headersn/aCustom HTTP Headers




    host_port: "https://xxxxx"
    user: "xxxx"
    api_key: "xxxxx"



host_portn/ahttp://{domain or ip}:{port}
indexfalco-talonElasticsearch index
suffixdailyDate suffix for index rotation : daily (default), monthly, annually, none
create_index_templatetrueCreate the index template at the init if it doesn’t exist
number_of_shards3Number of shards for the index (if create_index_template is true)
number_of_replicas3Number of replicas for the index (if create_index_template is true)
custom_headersn/aCustom HTTP Headers


    url: "http://localhost:9200"
    create_index_template: true
    number_of_shards: 1
    number_of_replicas: 1



host_portn/aHost:Port of SMTP server
usern/aUser for SMTP
passwordn/aPassword for SMTP
ton/aTo (comma separated list of adresses)
formathtmlFormat of the email (text, html)
tlsfalseUse TLS connection


    host_port: "localhost:1025"
    from: "falco@falcosecurity.org"
    to: "user@test.com, other@test.com"
    user: "xxxx"
    password: "xxxxx"
    format: "html"
    tls: false


with format: html:


with format: text:




http_methodPOSTHTTP Method
user_agentFalco-TalonUser Agent
content_typeapplication/json; charset=utf-8Content Type
custom_headersn/aCustom HTTP Headers


    url: "http://xxxx"
    http_method: "POST"
    user_agent: "Falco-Talon"
    content_type: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
      Authorization: "Bearer xxxxx"

8 - Outputs

Outputs are the targets where to store the artifacts generated by some actionners

Some actionners allow or require an output section. The output is the target where to store the resulting artifact that might has been created by the actionner.

For example:

  • the actionner kubernetes:log just allows to set an output to store the collected logs, if nothing is set, then they are printed in the stdout inside the log line
  • the kubernetes:download requires an output to store the downloaded file from the pod.

The targets used by the Outputs as storage are named with the pattern category:service.

The category allows to group outputs in use and avoid multiple initializations (eg, multi Kubernetes API client, multi AWS clients, …).

8.1 - List of Outputs

Available outputs

The name of the output has to be used as value for the target field of the output section of the action.


  • Description: Store on local filesystem
  • Parameters:
    • destination: (required) Destination folder for the file


  • Description: Store on AWS S3
  • Parameters:
    • bucket: (required) Destination bucket
    • prefix: Prefix for the key
    • region: Region of the bucket


  • Description: Store on Minio
  • Parameters:
    • bucket: (required) Destination bucket
    • prefix: Prefix for the key

9 - Reference

Low level reference docs for your project.


10 - Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to the docs

These basic sample guidelines assume that your Docsy site is deployed using Netlify and your files are stored in GitHub. You can use the guidelines “as is” or adapt them with your own instructions: for example, other deployment options, information about your doc project’s file structure, project-specific review guidelines, versioning guidelines, or any other information your users might find useful when updating your site. Kubeflow has a great example.

Don’t forget to link to your own doc repo rather than our example site! Also make sure users can find these guidelines from your doc repo README: either add them there and link to them from this page, add them here and link to them from the README, or include them in both locations.

We use Hugo to format and generate our website, the Docsy theme for styling and site structure, and Netlify to manage the deployment of the site. Hugo is an open-source static site generator that provides us with templates, content organisation in a standard directory structure, and a website generation engine. You write the pages in Markdown (or HTML if you want), and Hugo wraps them up into a website.

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.

Quick start with Netlify

Here’s a quick guide to updating the docs. It assumes you’re familiar with the GitHub workflow and you’re happy to use the automated preview of your doc updates:

  1. Fork the Goldydocs repo on GitHub.
  2. Make your changes and send a pull request (PR).
  3. If you’re not yet ready for a review, add “WIP” to the PR name to indicate it’s a work in progress. (Don’t add the Hugo property “draft = true” to the page front matter, because that prevents the auto-deployment of the content preview described in the next point.)
  4. Wait for the automated PR workflow to do some checks. When it’s ready, you should see a comment like this: deploy/netlify — Deploy preview ready!
  5. Click Details to the right of “Deploy preview ready” to see a preview of your updates.
  6. Continue updating your doc and pushing your changes until you’re happy with the content.
  7. When you’re ready for a review, add a comment to the PR, and remove any “WIP” markers.

Updating a single page

If you’ve just spotted something you’d like to change while using the docs, Docsy has a shortcut for you:

  1. Click Edit this page in the top right hand corner of the page.
  2. If you don’t already have an up to date fork of the project repo, you are prompted to get one - click Fork this repository and propose changes or Update your Fork to get an up to date version of the project to edit. The appropriate page in your fork is displayed in edit mode.
  3. Follow the rest of the Quick start with Netlify process above to make, preview, and propose your changes.

Previewing your changes locally

If you want to run your own local Hugo server to preview your changes as you work:

  1. Follow the instructions in Getting started to install Hugo and any other tools you need. You’ll need at least Hugo version 0.45 (we recommend using the most recent available version), and it must be the extended version, which supports SCSS.

  2. Fork the Goldydocs repo repo into your own project, then create a local copy using git clone. Don’t forget to use --recurse-submodules or you won’t pull down some of the code you need to generate a working site.

    git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 https://github.com/google/docsy-example.git
  3. Run hugo server in the site root directory. By default your site will be available at http://localhost:1313/. Now that you’re serving your site locally, Hugo will watch for changes to the content and automatically refresh your site.

  4. Continue with the usual GitHub workflow to edit files, commit them, push the changes up to your fork, and create a pull request.

Creating an issue

If you’ve found a problem in the docs, but you’re not sure how to fix it yourself, please create an issue in the Goldydocs repo. You can also create an issue about a specific page by clicking the Create Issue button in the top right hand corner of the page.

Useful resources